Glienicke Palace

Just outside the capital city Berlin - in the direction towards Potsdam, the well known Glienicke Palace can be found. It was built at the beginning of the 19th century and initially served as the summer residence of Prince Karl.

Influenced by the impact of neo classicism, the building has a distinctly southern character and is reminiscent of a Tuscan summer villa. This is also highlighted by lots of details, for instance the large fountain in the central building is ordained with golden lions, or the design of the shady courtyards.

Over the centuries the palace was gradually extended with numerous larger and smaller buildings. For example there is a gamekeeper’s lodge on the grounds, a gardener and tool house, a sailor’s quarters as well as a special green house for plant cultivation. In keeping with the Italian model, even oranges were successfully grown here.

Access to the castle is via the Gleinicker Bridge which spans across the Havel. This was initially a wooden bridge, but was later rebuilt several times. The bridge became famous in the Cold War as an exchange spot for spies between East and West Berlin.

Glienicker Bridge
Source:         Photographer: Joa Kant

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Anyone who visits the Palace is recommended to take a stroll through the extensive palace gardens. Each individual garden follows a specific theme and as a result almost the entire range of European flowers can be found here. This ranges from dense coniferous forests in a northern style, to summer-Mediterranean-style gardens with cypress trees and other such plants. In addition to this, the estate also houses a casino in which one can spend an exciting and varied evening.


Adress: Schloss Glienicke, Königstraße 36, 14109 Berlin

Openings: please visit the website


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